Comments Posted By Matt Keller
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Keep in mind you're looking at Newt from a very specific lens, that of just Speaker Gingrich. A Gingrich Presidency would not just consist of him and him alone, but of cabinet members, advisors and a Vice President. All of these people would in a collective sense be able to shape and mold the unfettered lightning that is Speaker Gingrich's ideas.

Because his ideas are good ideas those advisors would help shape what starts as an idea into reality. If Speaker Gingrich has one idea for each branch of the cabinet and the heads of those dept. turn into the executors of that idea, then it doesn't matter that he has all these ideas. Each one will be focused appropriately by the effort and will of those around that specific idea.

I would invite you to visit our website:

We are an ever growing group of people at the grassroots level who seek a Gingrich Presidential bid. I hope that what you see there eases some of your concerns, and if you have questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me.


Matt Keller
Media Outreach Manager
Draft Newt

Comment Posted By Matt Keller On 9.03.2007 @ 14:28

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